
BioPhi introduction video
Sep 02

BioPhi pre-print submitted
Aug 08

Our pre-print is available on BioRxiv.

Open-source release 1.0
Jul 29

BioPhi was released on GitHub under the MIT license.


If you use BioPhi, please cite:

David Prihoda, Jad Maamary, Andrew Waight, Veronica Juan, Laurence Fayadat-Dilman, Daniel Svozil & Danny A. Bitton (2022) BioPhi: A platform for antibody design, humanization, and humanness evaluation based on natural antibody repertoires and deep learning, mAbs, 14:1, DOI:

BioPhi is based on antibody repertoires from the Observed Antibody Space database.

Antibody numbering is performed using ANARCI and the AbNumber package.


BioPhi is an open-source platform, please feel free to submit a ticket to report any issues or to propose new features.

Developers are welcome to contribute directly to BioPhi code, learn more in our GitHub repository.

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